It’s Okay To Not Know Everything

It’s okay to be wrong sometimes. And it’s a perfectly acceptable response to say, “I don’t know.”

If you are wrong, and someone corrects you, you don’t have to take offense. It’s okay to be wrong sometimes!

We are only humans. We all make mistakes sometimes.. and that’s okay! The main thing is to learn from them.

Being Assertive

If someone messes up your pronouns or wrongly assumes something about you (like your sexual orientation, race, etc.), it’s okay to bring it up to them. Your identity and feelings matter, you don’t have to make yourself small in order to make others comfortable.

Being Only Semi-Fluent in a Language

Being multilingual can be weird sometimes. Especially if you aren’t fully fluent. Maybe you can speak a language but you can’t read or write in that language. Or maybe you can understand but you can’t respond. Either way, that doesn’t make your identity any less valid.